February 23, 2025


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Why the NSA is right about rebooting your smartphone weekly

Why the NSA is right about rebooting your smartphone weekly

Photo of Galaxy S24 Ultra

Yes, Galaxy S24 Ultra.
picture: Florence Ion/Gizmodo

What irony The National Security Agency It is suggested that smartphone users turn off their phones from time to time. But the NSA is right: you need to reboot your phone regularly to rid it of demons. Some phones even let you schedule a reboot, so you don’t have to think about it.

Forbes revealed a Dangerously dated document from the NSA Outlining best practices for keeping your phone safe from bad actors in the digital space. The phones pictured are a 2010-era iPhone with the original home button and a Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

More than a dozen tips are included, ranging from “Consider using biometrics” to “Only use original charging cords.” everything Basic Things I’ve seen before, but the advice that has caught everyone’s ears is the NSA’s suggestion to turn off and back on your device weekly. It’s not fail-safe but can help reduce zero-click exploits and phishing malware.

For those of you who are only hearing this for the first time, you can rest assured knowing that this is true Joint training Among smartphone users.

It’s a simple way to either force a lagging software update or clear out any background apps and memory leaks that may be contributing to an extremely hot metal phone. I’m rebooting frequently because I’m having cell signal issues in my area – a quick reboot usually fixes the problem, though my heart is beating fast while I wait for those cell service bars to come back.

A large number of manufacturers have already done this Built in The function of restarting your phone periodically. This includes Samsung’s Galaxy devices and the latest OnePlus devices. The Google Pixel doesn’t have a scheduled viewing, but there is an option you can switch to to automatically restart the device once it receives an over-the-air (OTA) software update. iOS users can Automation formulation This will restart your iPhone every few days.

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