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Weekly horoscope readings for each sign from March 31 to April 6

Weekly horoscope readings for each sign from March 31 to April 6

America Ferrera, Aries.
Illustration: By The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

Following last week's lunar eclipse, Mercury retrograde begins Monday evening. For most of April, as the communication planet moves retrograde through impulsive, fiery Aries, it will be easy to make choices quickly and confidently, but perhaps not wisely. Given this, the more you can slow down, ask for advice, or even put off making important decisions altogether, the happier you'll be in the long run. Then, on Friday night, Venus enters Aries, where it will remain until the end of the month. During this time, your love life will benefit from direct communication: no hints or waiting for the phone to ring. The best way to get what you want (always, but especially this month) is to ask for it. In the meantime, find your weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign below.

You get the impression, sometimes, that people want you to hold yourself back a little more, and that they'd be more comfortable if you were. less: Less brave, less interesting, less free. They seem to take your self-confidence as a personal affront, and your independence as a sign that you don't care about anyone else. They think that your happiness comes at the expense of their happiness. This is not true, of course, and it is not your job to convince them. If others are determined not to understand you, that's not your problem. And let them believe what they want. Live your own life, please for you king Expectations.

It can seem impossible to be “authentic” when you know others are watching you. It's not that you have anything to hide, it's that the attention creates pressure and keeps you stuck in your head. If you know you are being watched, it is difficult to lose yourself in your thoughts. When you feel like you're being judged, don't hesitate to explore and make mistakes. While an external perspective Can Be helpful, this is not what you should be most attentive to this week. You may find that what you need, instead, is privacy: space to dream, create, and experiment, without worrying about other people's opinions.

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One of the most frustrating experiences in life is when others ascribe to you non-existent ill will, when they regard your genuine friendship as a sham, or your honesty as aggression. This may happen more than usual this week, not because you are doing something wrong, but because people are exhausted, feeling weak, and not thinking clearly. Try not to take it personally, or close your heart to others. Keep being sociable, curious, and kind, and over time, your good nature will win them over.

You understand that you need to stand up for yourself. If you have a great idea, it's up to you to justify it. If you deserve more appreciation than you get, no one else will talk. On the other hand, you're keenly aware of how easy it is to lose perspective, stop listening, and accidentally step on other people's toes. This doesn't mean you should retreat, withdraw into yourself, and refuse to speak for fear that someone will think you're talking too loudly. Your task this week is to find the right balance.

When you make big changes—making impulsive changes in your life, testing bold ideas, trying activities that are new to you—sometimes you'll miss out. no escape. No one can knock it out of the park all Time, even you. This week, in particular, you are likely to make some mistakes. Creative projects may encounter obstacles, new relationships may not develop as you had hoped, and your basic theories about life and success may be challenged. Just remember that even if it does happen, it doesn't mean the risk wasn't worth taking. You learn, and your effort is not wasted. You are headed towards something better than you can imagine.

One of the greatest joys in life is to have friends who are on the same wavelength as you. You can tell each other stories with one look; only you Gets What the other says. But this week, be careful not to take that understanding for granted. Misunderstandings happen; The point you are trying to make could be misunderstood. Don't jump to conclusions about what others mean, even those you know best. Ask questions. Go to details. Take the time to explain this.

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More than most people, you approach the world with curiosity and openness. You are willing to receive information that challenges your pre-existing ideas, to ask questions, and to change them with what you learn. Truly listening to what others have to say helps broaden your mind and prevents you from becoming rigid or dogmatic. This week, just remember that all criticism is not equally valid, and that other people's ideas are not inherently better or more valid than your own. At some point, it's okay to ignore all the noise and go with your gut.

Most often, you are cautious about taking on new projects, starting new relationships, and committing to new habits. It bothers you enough when others start things they can't or won't finish; You can't afford to do the same. But this week, you're thirsty for change, for something new, for something It is happening. You worry that if you wait until you've thought through all the details, you'll never be able to move forward. Give yourself permission to experiment, and risk failure. You deserve to have adventures, you deserve to make mistakes like everyone else, and you don't have to know the outcome before you start.

The less inspired you've been lately, the more joyful you'll feel when your energy returns to you this week. Suddenly, the universe excites you again, and your life seems full of wonderful possibilities. It's not that everything suddenly seems perfect, but you feel motivated to take action again. Just be careful not to get ahead of yourself. Your mind is so fast, so fast that your words (or your feet) can't keep up right now. Don't take on more than you can handle in a burst of enthusiasm. take your time.

This week, people in your life – especially those closest to you – tend to act in unexpected ways. You can blame it on Mercury retrograde, but everyone seems to be acting out of character, contradicting themselves, and making choices you never would have expected. It's normal to feel frustrated, because you're worried about them or because it's making life more difficult for you You, But try to keep an open mind. They may be showing you a side of their personality that has been there all along, hidden from view. Maybe they're growing. Either way, the more you can accept surprises, the happier you will be.

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At work and at home, your calendar is crowded this week, and your to-do list is overflowing. Even if you're not usually forgetful or easily distracted, there are plenty of events that can make it easy for things to get lost in the chaos. Don't waste your time berating yourself, and don't take it as a sign that you're lazy or uninterested. You simply have too much going on. So, write down reminders, ask friends for help, or put some unimportant tasks aside. Do what you need to do to make life easier for yourself.

This week you may feel like everyone you meet is trying to rush you. When someone has a question for you, they want an answer right away; When your boss gives you a task, he wants it done yesterday. Everything seems urgent (or so they insist), and people keep trying to convince you of it they Tight timelines are for you responsible. Your challenge is to retreat. If someone gives you impossible deadlines, say so. If you need time to think before making a decision, ask for it. Rushing to make important decisions will not help you, so take it slow.

Read the Weekly horoscopes For the week of March 24. Weekly horoscopes for the week of April 7 will be available online next Sunday.

Buy Claire Comstock Jay's book, Madame Clairvoyant's Guide to the Stars, here.