Round 1 – Both fighters are very tentative here. Minutes in and Osman shoots for removal. He didn’t get it, but now he’s squeezing Tava into the cage. Tava is unable to break free. Good control here by Usman, but no damage. Two minutes left. Usman still pressed Tava on the cage. Tava explodes, almost landing a knee to the head, and Osman comes back to pressure. A few punches to the body landed on Osman. Another one, Tafa broke free with 40 seconds left. Tava connects! Osman is stunned. once again! Usman shoots the takedown and goes to press Tava into the cage. They break free again and quarrel them to the bell.
MMA Junkie’s round record is 10-9, Tava.
Round 2 – Usman shoots early and goes short. He’s very tired. Good connections Tava! Usman closes the distance and Tava presses the cage. Usman gets his first takedown in a fight. He operates from half guard. Good shots from Osman. No major harm here. Just control from Othman. Two minutes left. Usman maintains control for the rest of the round.
MMA Junkie’s round record is 10-9, Osman.
Round 3 – Tava swings big early on, but misses. As expected, Osman shoots for the takedown. He presses Tava against the cage and then falls to the ground. Osman again runs from half guard. Not much damage from Usman, but Tava does little to improve stance and stance. He’s exhausted. Osman maintains control here, minutes pass. Tava explodes to his feet in the final seconds. He tries to go for the slam dunk, but is unable to. The last bell rings.
MMA Junkie’s round record is 10-9, Osman. Overall 29-28, Osman.
a result: Mohamed Othman def. Junior Tafa by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
the pictures: UFC Fight Night 222: The best photos from Las Vegas
records: Muhammad Osman (10-2 MMA, 2-0 UFC), Junior Tafa (4-1 MMA, 0-1 UFC)
to divide: heavy weight
Broadcasting: ESPN+
to rule: Mark Smith
verdict: Junichiro Kamijou, Jacob Montalvo, Rick Winter 29-28.
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