February 23, 2025


Complete Australian News World

Two new language assistants at Romain-Roland High School in Glamazee

Two new language assistants at Romain-Roland High School in Glamazee

After a long journey, 21-year-old Aziz Kaur (India), and 22-year-old Astrid Donaire (Honduras) arrived at Romain-Roland High School via Paris on Friday, September 29. They are the new language assistants of the establishment. They will stay in France for seven months until the end of April, under a twelve-hour weekly contract.

Astrid will meet thirteen Spanish teams

“Astrid will meet our thirteen Spanish groups. Aziz will not be able to meet all the students, but he will receive all the general seconds, so all high school students will benefit from a language assistant every year. Students of the European classes, with a very significant verbal level bias in Bac English and STMG, will be in his presence. will benefit from, as well as terminal students in Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLCE) have a significant coefficient in the Bac,” explains the English teacher and international. High School Representative, Emily Jackett.

Back to school in the best of circumstances at Glamsey High School

These are oral skills that are only taught in small groups because facilitators are not allowed to speak in front of the whole class.

“Lover of Gastronomy and Culture”

Aziz holds a BA in English Literature from Delhi University. Astrid graduated in foreign languages ​​in the capital, Tegucigalpa. Aussie learned French at a young age and conducted courses in French. “At school, our subjects included French. I learned to love this language and this culture. I fell in love with French,” underscores the young Indian, who plans to pursue a master’s degree.

Astrid discovered French at university and began studying it. “I fell in love with the food and the culture. This is why I wanted to come to France to get to know your customs and people better. At school, many teachers from my graduation benefited from this program and received the support of the Alliance Francaise. .”

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He got his license the same day he went to France. He taught English in a primary school in his hometown Judigalpa. She plans to become a teacher.

Placed in high school

Aziz, who is making his first trip to France, has wanted to visit the country for a long time. “One of my teachers from school in Delhi has already come here with this project. From school, I wanted to participate in this program.”

They will be housed at the high school, in a large three-bedroom apartment. In his spare time, Aziz hopes to learn more languages ​​and travel to the surrounding area. Astrid wants to find Clemisie better. Language assistants have already hiked in Morvan and visited Vesele. Colleagues will transport them and they plan to travel via the BlaBlaCar app.

Christophe Belhomme