Our universe extends from subatomic to cosmic scales.
Finally, 13 different scales are currently known.
1.) Fundamental, elementary particles. down to 10-19 meters, these quantities are not divided.
2.) Nuclear scales. On a femmometer (~10-15 m) Scales, individual nucleons, made up of quarks and gluons, are bound together.
3.) Atomic Scales. Angstrom-sized (~10-10 m), atoms make up all matter on Earth.
4.) Molecular scales. nm (~10-9 m) and larger, molecules contain multiple atoms bonded together.
5.) Microscales. Less than 0.0001m (the width of a human hair), tools outside the human eye are required.
6.) Macroscopic scales. Our conventional perceptions extend from subscales to many kilometres.
7.) Sub-planetary scales. Where gravity can’t defeat electromagnetism, free-floating objects can travel several hundred kilometers away.
8.) Planetary scales. Planets are spherical due to their own gravity, and planets are usually between 1,000 and 200,000 kilometers wide.
9.) Star scales. From 0.08 to 2,000 times the size of the Sun, these nuclear furnaces light up the universe.
10.) The scales of the star system. Extending up to two light-years across, the Oort-like clouds probe the boundaries of individual star systems.
11.) Galaxy Scales. From about 100 to 1,000,000 light-years away, dark and ordinary matter hold galaxies together.
12.) Mass and Space Tables. From 10 to 100 million light-years across, they are the largest of the gravitationally bound structures.
13.) Truly cosmic scales. The entire observed cosmic web spans 92 billion light-years.
Even on the largest and smallest scales, new phenomena may still be waiting to be discovered.
Silent Monday mostly tells a universal story in pictures and visuals and no more than 200 words.
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