In the department, Alexia Nouhe, Teaching Consultant in Level 1 Modern Languages, oversees the new system alongside teachers. “Strictly speaking, not giving language lessons.”Says Laurence Tradon, a teacher for 22 years. Instead, its teaching is delivered in a cross-approach to everyday application and various subjects. So the motor skills session will be done in English (Famous Head-Shoulders-Knees-Toes)But a plastic arts workshop as well as various activities offered throughout the morning. “Even if we ask to wipe our feet on the carpet, we do it in English”, Laurence Trudden laughs. “We live in English! », the teacher is happy to emphasize the collective purpose of the program, which is infused throughout the school group from the small section of Kindergarten to CM2. Regardless “Three of us on the faculty are particularly sensitive to this discipline because we have studied English in particular”.
That morning, after welcoming the children in English, they follow the activities around this common thread. The teacher sits facing his students in a semi-circle. He recommends nursery rhymes, games and short exchanges. “Let’s sing Hello!” »she declares excitedly. “Hello, hello, what’s your name?” My name is Lawrence », the author begins. Many small symbols rise. “Who’s next?” A! ». For visual comfort, children between 3 and 5 years of age observe eyelids without batting. “Everything is done in a playful approach”Laurence Tradon says he’s absolutely passionate about the project. “When you’re a teacher, you bring many projects to the school, not all of which are always well-recognised. What he doesn’t have, even parents play with some English words at home”.
Renaud Joubert
Even Candinier got into it
For the author, medium and large acquisitions are already eloquent. “They already know a lot of things.”. Compiled vocabulary in one approach “swirl”. “In young children, a lot of lessons come from this method. We repeat, we go back to what we’ve learned. We brew a lot.” The plasticity of their cognitive system allows them to exist “Very flexible phonetic”. One way is to allow children to have a practical approach to the English language in everyday life. But, more “dishonor” Learning a foreign language. “later”Lawrence Truddon believes, “The idea of giving life to equal opportunities is interesting to me. In the sense that children who are not comfortable at the school level can develop a real appetite for the process. »
Even if we ask them to wipe their feet, we do it in English.
A school group of one hundred students is supported by an English assistant for this term and three years as part of the France Education International program. For 2022/2023, he is being mentored by Victorine Oko from Kenya. Last year, we had a young Indian girl. Appreciating this, Laurence Trudeau is delighted “Cultural Transparency”.
Renaud Joubert
Description of a plan to kick an entire school, even the canteen is in on it! Between two workshops in class, she raised her head to inquire about the number of people in the school canteen: “Hello, I’m Valerie… how many?…”, she began a somewhat hesitant, authentic accent in Charente. This is great work!
Purpose of labeling
Today, three pilot schools (“One per block “) follow the English system reinforced in Charente within Emile’s framework, i.e. the teaching of an integrated subject in foreign languages. Apart from Hierszak, Boutiers and Courville have embarked on this system. Finally, in the Hierszak school, “AIM TO WIN THE LABEL AND GET THE EUROSCOL LABEL”, unfolds director Lawrence Trudden. Objective label “Recognize schools’ involvement in European dynamics” And especially “Strengthening Language Learning”. With the possibility of benefiting from the support of a language assistant, around twenty Charenteis teachers went on a week-long language trip to Bray, near Dublin, Ireland over the All Saints holidays. A test “huge” According to teachers who took refresher courses in English in the morning and teaching in the afternoon.
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Renaud Joubert
Renaud Joubert
“Beeraholic. Friend of animals everywhere. Evil web scholar. Zombie maven.”
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