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Story.  In Brest, Questal is still waiting for the English

Story. In Brest, Questal is still waiting for the English

Guided tours of the fort are organized from time to time. © DR

By Benoit Quinckis

It should be “called” Kestelin recycling Because it is “reduced” more than a Strong And ” Questal “Is a Transformation From the name Gestel-Bras, the name of the nearby farm. After all, it was part of a belt of “separated forts” built under the power. Marquis de Lancaron in the 18th centuryAnd Century : Added bastioned envelope due to this package: வௌபன்Intended Protect the breast Possible ground attack by English During the American Revolutionary War.

This cliff was built Players (War duties, there were many in transport to Brest) They were not paid, but they were Home and food. After dividing the land (markers still visible), we dug Trenches (And not ditches) and refilled to elevate the earth Battlefields They were then clustered. Nothing was left to chance: it would have been necessary A thousand artillery shells Break the wall!

224 beds

The building was also fitted FortsClosed paths, embrasures for installing shooters, a Well Can withstand up to three weeks while waiting for reinforcements, 224 beds ShelterA “cavalier” camouflaged by trees, from which one could fire cannon over the parade, the galleries moving invisibly from one point to another … In short, the redoubt was fertile, but it was not possible. Used: Works not completed until 1783. That same year the War of Independence came to an ende.

Stored farm

Gestell-Bros. is the name of a farm located near Redwood.
Gestell-Bros. is the name of a farm located near Redwood. © DR.

Hence the name “Questal” is a corruption of the name “Gestel-Bras”, which is the name of a nearby farm.

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redoubt: We can forget about this farm as it is still a stone’s throw away from the fort. But how could a farm be left so close to a building with the intention of facing a military attack? Wasn’t it then on the land you “took” to build the Red Fort? Is it important to ensure the supply of troops, even if it puts civilians at risk?

In fact, the explanation is very simple: the farm was saved to avoid paying compensation to its owner! But if the fort had been attacked, it would have been destroyed without any concern… and, above all, without compensation. Nothing new under the sun: in the 18th centuryAnd Century, money is already the nerves of war …

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Fortress after the American Revolution

Gateway to Ford du Questal in Brest.
Gateway to Ford du Questal in Brest. © DR.

After the War of Independence, The redoubt dropped : A Defender Those who could sell wood for a living, but were not allowed to open a bar or engage in any other morally questionable activity.

The site was revived only during the military operationIndustryIt was requested to build a part of it as a houseDot system : Remnants of sinks visible in some places from this period are clearly visible.

Then ReleaseIt was dropped again and it was not until 1983 Two centuries after its constructionThe city is really aware of the traditional interest it represents: to date, if the building is not yet listed, it is maintained by the Department of Greenery.

But the most surprising thing is whatRather exceptional security level Although abandoned for many years, only part of the fort is fenced off for security reasons. Destroyed When Headquarters in BrestAnd if Brest residents voluntarily reclaim the premises, for example by leaving TagsWe will not regret the stolen stone or any other great destruction Red blood was never covered !

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