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Special Exams 2022: Lessons in English, SES and SVT in Polynesia

Special Exams 2022: Lessons in English, SES and SVT in Polynesia

© Tom Wang – Photolia

Over the next two weeks, 523,199 candidates Bachelor’s degree 2022 Will spend their Special writing exams In the mainland of France and in the DOM-TOMs. The events will take place on May 11, 12 and 13 in mainland France, Reunion, Antilles-Guyana and on May 18, 19 and 20 in Mayotte.

In Polynesia, candidates have already passed Special tests. Take a look at the topics they encountered His, Mathematics And S.V.T. !

LLCER English Special Lesson

For that Special Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Cultures – English, Students worked on 2 subjects. The first was themed “Travels, Territories, Borders”. Candidates should analyze in what ways the characteristics of California are represented in the corpus of the three documents and what impact these representations had on the audience. Then they had to translate a part into FrenchEden EastBy John Steinbeck.

The second lesson was entitled “Art and Conception Debates”. Candidates should describe the situation of African-Americans presented in the corpus of photographs and texts from the 1940s to the 1960s, as well as the methods of protest used by the authors.

Then they had to translate a part into French Lady Blues singsBy Billy Holiday

SES Special Title

For that Specialty Economics and Social Sciences, Applicants must write an essay or a joint exam. The dissertation is based on a collection of 4 documents and was entitled “How Do We Explain International Transactions? ⁇

For the mixed examination, the applicants were selected between 2 subjects. The first includes part of European competition policy, part of the global filing of patent applications and part of changes to collective action. The second lesson consisted of questions about the inequalities caused by technological advances, the hierarchical factors of the social space, the describing of the quality of work, and the written rationality of changes in collective action.

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SVT Special Lesson

For that Specialty Life and Earth Sciences, Candidates must complete 2 exercises. For Exercise 1, they chose between writing a reasonable text on the reproduction of flowering plants or a reasonable text on muscle contraction.

For the second exercise, the role of cortisol in weakening the immune system of people suffering from acute burns should be explained based on the documents and their knowledge.