October 5, 2024


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Sinkhole opened under a swimming pool in Israel, video shows, and Klil Kimhi of Tel Aviv is killed

Sinkhole opened under a swimming pool in Israel, video shows, and Klil Kimhi of Tel Aviv is killed


A man was killed in central Israel on Thursday after he opened a hole under a swimming pool during a house party for co-workers and expanded into a 43-foot-deep hole.

Rescue teams responded to a villa in the town of Carmi Yosef, about 25 miles outside of Tel Aviv, that was hosting a company event. video The incident shows a crater that opened on Thursday afternoon, causing the pool to curve and collapse inward as guests were in and around the pool. All the water, inflatable rafts and toys were sucked into the big hole in a matter of seconds.

Two men were seen being dragged into the tub as party-goers watched in horror and shock as dance music played poolside. While one of the men managed to get out after falling, the other was seen in an underwater video trying to escape from the vortex. Then he disappeared into the stream.

After a four-hour search, first responders were able to find the man at the bottom of the stream — Kilil Kimhi, 32, from Tel Aviv — who was pronounced dead, according to Times of Israel. The authorities did not reveal the cause of Kemhi’s death.

The couple who owns the property have been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter. Police say the couple, identified by Israeli media as Nathan and Rachel Miller, did not apply for a permit before the pool was built. At Friday’s hearing, Sgt. Ramy Desta accused the couple of playing “a very large contribution to this tragic outcome”.

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According to the Israeli news site, Desta said, “They could have prevented this outcome if they had obtained a permit.” Ynet.

The Millers were released Friday morning into house arrest at their daughter’s home in Petah Tikva.

The couple’s lawyer, Zion Amir, did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Friday. He defended his clients as “good people” during Friday’s hearing and explained that they did not expect to open a hole under the pool.

According to Ynet, he said, “This is a very unusual event.”

Sewers are areas of land that lack natural external surface drainage, according to United States geologic survey. Underground voids and caves can develop as subsurface rocks, such as limestone, carbonate rock, or salt layers, melt. According to the USGS, one of the reasons sewer holes can be so catastrophic is that sudden collapse of the Earth’s surface can occur at any time.

The US Geological Survey says that most sewer damage in the United States tends to occur in states such as Florida, Texas, Alabama, Kentucky, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Tennessee. Just this week, a video filmed a truck from New York City falling into a ditch in the Bronx.

Sewerage is also an issue in Israel. Itai Gavrieli, a senior researcher at the Israel Geological Institute, said, France Press agency Last year there were thousands of sewers in and around Israel, including around the shores of the Dead Sea.

Nearly 50 people were at home Thursday, according to The Times of Israel. One of the guests told Keshet 12 that everything happened very quickly, and it was not immediately clear what was going on in front of them.

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“The water level suddenly started to recede and a hole opened, creating a vortex that engulfed the two people inside,” she said.

Aviv Bobil, a lifeguard who worked at the pool party, told Ynet how “the ground just fell.”

“I saw two people… two people were missing,” Boubelil said.

Paramedic Magen David Adom, Uri Damary, said the 34-year-old who jumped from the sinkhole sustained minor injuries to his head and legs. Jerusalem Post.

Pictures released by the authorities show how a giant stream broke through the middle of the pond.

On social media, friends flood Kimhi’s Facebook page with memories.

“I hope his memory will be a blessing,” wrote the Israel Hayom newspaper on its Facebook account.

On Friday, Amir, the attorney for the homeowners with the pool, asserted at the hearing that the fatal sinkhole accident was a “horrific tragedy” “no less bizarre than a lightning strike.”

“Such a thing happens once every hundred years,” Amir said, according to Ynet. “Unfortunately that happened.”