March 5, 2025


Complete Australian News World

Replacing French with English: When Macron agrees with Debon

Replacing French with English: When Macron agrees with Debon

Replacing French with English: When Macron agrees with Debon

Macron's submission to Washington goes as far as abandoning his own language. DR

Kamal M. By – Ilyes Zouari, head of the CERMF, a center for research and reflection on the French-speaking world, refers to the policy of abandoning the French language itself in France. “Governed by Europeans and Atlanticists in recent years, since Nicolas Sarkozy came to power in 2007, France has engaged in a radical policy of eradicating the French language in France and international institutions, and since Emmanuel Macron came to the highest responsibilities,” notes this analyst. “Unheard of in the history of the wider French-speaking world,” he said. notes, describing the abandonment as “insulting”.

An insult, explains Ilyes Zouari, which demonstrates “the undeniable policy of weakening the French language and the anglicization of France, which has been actively carried out by the French authorities, and falls within the framework of a wider policy aimed at reducing the value, especially from the point of view of France. The French population. “EU and the Atlantic “A policy aimed at getting the French people to accept France's continued membership in the alliance, France was fully reintegrated under President Sarkozy. Excluded from the highest responsibilities and diplomatic forces,” notes the head of the CERMF.

“This politics is anti-media [française] For the French-speaking world, French general development aid is manifested through distribution that only partially benefits the French-speaking world and is for the benefit of Eastern European countries that are members of the European Union. Continue to reap the lion's share,” says this fierce defender of the Molière language. “In fact, from the latest data available, he explains, the share of the French-speaking world is only 15.4% of the total French development aid granted in 2021, compared to 43, no less than 3%. The 13 smallest countries of eastern and eastern Europe, with a total of only 114 million people, or four times less than the 27 French-speaking countries in the south, [avec] Nearly 450 million by early 2021.

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“Recent international news shows us once again the consequences of this systematic anglicization of France, with its increasingly blind alignment with American and European positions, in a world that has become multipolar again, and has completely broken with the Gaullist tradition. It has made France a sovereign nation, respected and admired around the world.” The author of the study recalled. “Thus, after the beginning of the Palestinian offensive against Israel, President Emmanuel Macron, during his various interventions, refused to condemn the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The Palestinian people should be given,” he notes.

As a reminder, Algeria has decided to introduce English into the education system from an early stage, eventually replacing French. A decision was welcomed in France by a series of articles and broadcasts in which speakers agreed to consider the Algerian authorities' choice to make Shakespeare's language “an anti-French policy”. A reaction worsened by the National Ministry of Education banning the teaching of the French program in private schools.

Will the damning report by the head of the Center for the Study and Reflection on the French-speaking World raise the same cries of horror on TV sets and in the columns of French newspapers, its utter despicability. Covering the tragic events of mourning the besieged, starving and massacred Palestinian people in Gaza.
