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Pass the written comprehension exam in English: Teacher’s Advice!

Pass the written comprehension exam in English: Teacher’s Advice!

Are you worried about taking the comprehension exam written in English? With preparation, there is no reason to be afraid!

Throughout the article, you will find the best Advice from Mark, An American from New York and an English teacher at the Superprof site (his advice is written in italics).

With harsh And some Method, You have to pass the exam with flying colors.

Reminder of the rules of the English spelling test

L ‘Choose the comprehension written in English Bach Even if you choose English for LVA or LVB, only the target level will respond to the same conditions (first: B1 / B2 for LVA, A2 / B1 for LVB; terminal: B2 for LVA, B1 for LVB).

The Written understanding Estimated from one or two written documents (total length 300 to 500 words). need you Answer the questions asked Indicated in French or English, free or as directed.

L ‘Choose written comprehension Takes place at the same timeOral comprehension test And d ‘Written expression. Rated at Continuous monitoring The third trimester is arranged by your teacher. The total duration of the English exam is one and a half hours.

Tip # 1: Do a little work in your English every day

To Pass the written comprehension exam in English Inside First And en At the terminal, It is definitely advisable Train yourself for the test By itself, but it can be very effective Work in your English From the first day you learn the language.

In fact, if you have not heard anything or learned anything English lesson Since the beginning of your schooling, no miracle has happened on the day of the test …

“Understanding written in bachelorette English is not a very complex test, but it is required Time And some Patience (With a good preparation) because his mastery begins before the big day, week, month, semester, pre-school year; It starts the same day we start learning the language. “

Listen to the English language

The English learning job (In any language) that startsask.

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Listening carefully will allow you “To identify the rhythm, sounds and musicality of a language” For “Understand grammar well and get the essential vocabulary.”

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Read in English

This listening (movies, series, podcasts, information) should be reinforced daily by reading works that cover a wide range of subjects to help you gain a broad and varied vocabulary. “

For Mark, “This process also helps to identify the logic of the structure of a text (newspaper, newsletter, journal, blog, novel, etc.).”

Enrich your vocabulary

Do devotion “Listening and reading in English for a while every day” A great wayTo get vocabulary And Progress in English. This will not help you alone Written understanding But not everyone English tests.

“With consistency, you will find that you can improve your oral and written comprehension as well as your written product.”

Do not read “idle”Listen to English On your favorite topics. On the day of testing, a theme you particularly like may not come to you.

“Don’t forget to get it and master it Vocabulary In all other subjects you do not like, because you can understand and talk about even the things you hate. “

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Tip 2 for Understanding English: Read the text and instructions carefully

On test day, start by noticing the text (s) in front of you.

“First, the nature of the text, its origin (or its source), its purpose (or its Risen d’Tre), and its format (article, advertisement) do not go wrong from the beginning., Taken from a novel).”

Read first

You should read the text very carefully (read only). First reading custom Understand the general meaning of the text, To understand why and for whom it was written.

“Read calmly and slowly, without being overwhelmed by words that at first glance seem unfamiliar or complicated to you. Their meaning, with the help of context, should be clear by the time you finish reading. “

Read the report and the questions asked

After your first reading, look at the questions you need to answer.

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“Before you go on to the second reading, take the time to read well – understand! – report so as not to get the wrong answer (do not forget anything!). You must answer every question asked, not just the questions you want to answer.”

Read the text a second time

Don’t just read it. Focus on your answers this time and read the text a second time, in more depth. It’s time for that Take notes!

Mark A Note: Attention “Your second reading of who, what, when, where, and why, as well as the answers you want to provide. Highlight important information and begin your core research to identify similar and antonyms.”

Find some Similar words And Antonyms The most important words in the text will help you Reform When you answer questions.

Tip # 3: Be yourself

If your Ready-made work And listening That was enough, it should pay off when reading the text and generating your answers.

Do not use words that do not make sense

Thank you for your readiness, “You’ll understand every word of the text and the question statement of what it really means, not what you think it means or what you want it to mean.”

Obviously, you can’t help but stumble upon a word you don’t know the meaning of. in this situation, Try to find out what he is saying Thanks for the other words around it and the general meaning of the text.

“A lot of mistakes are made by candidates who think they know the meaning of a word (in context or outside).”

Customize your answers

It is important to include your personal contact in your response. You are not the parrot of the teacher who just says without understanding what the master is saying. Be careful not to use words that you know or that may appeal to the reader (your claim), but only words that you know. “

Reform as much as possible Rather than repeating a paragraph from the text, use similar words if you know how. If you are repeating a part of the text, consider adding quotes and remembering the line of text where the quote is located.

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Keep it simple!

Keep it as simple as possible. This is how you will avoid mistakes as much as possible.

“Go straight to the point and avoid curves. Prohibit repetitive adjectives and adverbs; size never changes quality.”

To do Short sentences, Skip them Very complex sentences And be as close as possible to the meaning, verb, complement construction. The construction of sentences is different in English and French, you may strain.

Mark wants to promise: “There are no right or wrong answers. The answer is that you can write and argue in correct and error-free English, there are others.”

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Tip for Successful Reading Understanding in English 4: Pay special attention to the link

If it is good to keep the sentences concise and simple, avoid them as much as possible Coupling errors. These are the ones that cost you the most.

In your preparation, think Edit your links Don’t get me wrong: Irregular verbs, tense sync …

“It simply came to our notice then. The concept of time in English does not always follow the logic of the French language, but its own: do not forget the nuances of spoken time and spoken time. “

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Tip # 5: Read it again for yourself

One last tip: don’t forget I read you again. Leave 5 minutes at the end of the test to fully review your answers. Focus on the form, not the object Correct any mistakes (Spelling, grammar).

That would be a shame “Lose points foolishly due to careless error or misspelling”.