March 4, 2025


Complete Australian News World

Notre-Dame School students celebrate their first English diploma

Notre-Dame School students celebrate their first English diploma

Clery-Saint-Andre. Notre-Dame School students graduated from Cambridge. Fifteen recent college grads returned Friday to the Notre-Dame school they left last June. They were invited to the Starter Diploma Ceremony given by the University of Cambridge. Institute President Soline Chanel congratulated all CM2 students on their success in the examination which was successfully completed in June.

Thanks to the teaching provided by Greg Archon, it certifies the knowledge acquired in English by some schoolchildren from the early nursery section. “You put in a lot of work. We had a lot of fun,” he recalled before presenting them with their diplomas, honoring a ritual inspired by the tradition of British universities.

In fact, the recipients wore a toga and an elaborately decorated motor. When the parchment was in hand, they passed it from left to right. Then, to great collective cheers, the graduates tossed their caps.

To complete the small celebration, parents, children and teachers shared “scones” provided by Greg Archen, small cakes made with “glutted cream” made according to his grandmother’s recipes.

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