March 14, 2025


Complete Australian News World

Meet an English pasty maker

Meet an English pasty maker


Video Length: 3 min.

United Kingdom: Meet an English pasty maker
Article written by

M. Poicho, c. Madini, c. Dubrul, L. Soud tray – France 2

French televisions

France Televisions went to meet an English pastis maker. Report from Cornwall, Southwest England.

Darkin Leadpeter, Director of Distillery Southwest, The only local pastry maker in the UK. He first started by making national alcohol, gin. But one summer day in 2013, the memory of France stuck with him: I was looking for recipes, I used anise seeds and licorice and I knew when I tasted that it was a high quality spirit. I lived in France when I was in my twenties, so I had to do more than this Gin.

This Cornish bastis gets freedom with the moose. Colors Similar, but The recipe is different, less spicy. The method of diluting it is also different, it is drunkWater, but Mostly with gin-like tonic. A sacrifice Marseilles, however The English are mesmerized by this less sweet pasty. These bottles Do A place in the UK, especially in pubs.

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