February 23, 2025


Complete Australian News World

Madeleine is an Englishwoman who loves Bassin de Degasville

Madeleine is an Englishwoman who loves Bassin de Degasville

Madeleine Glover is an English, musician and language assistant who wants to extend her stay in Decazeville.

Across France, language assistants work in schools to support students in learning a different language and culture. Sometimes it leads to the stories of Madeleine Glover, an English assistant at Paul Ramatier College and Aubin High School in Texasville. Madeleine, 23, from Brill, a small village near Oxford, is studying French and music at Birmingham University, her two passions. She also speaks Moliere’s language well, with only a slight accent showing her appearance from across the channel.

He has lived in Tigasville since last September. And, thanks to her rapport with Lyre decazevilloise over the months, she likes it here a lot. “I love your passion, the people are welcoming and warm, I made friends and the music acts as a link,” slips the young Englishman.

At Mines de Jazz’s after-party

Few managed to find it after parties during the popular evenings of the Mines de Jazz festival on ASPIBD’s premises. Remarkably playing the trumpet, music lovers immediately pricked up their ears and were mesmerized by the musicianship and linguist. On May 8, 1945, Madeleine took part in the official ceremonies at Degasville and Firmi with the lyre.

She is looking for a job this summer

At the beginning of the school year, Madeleine Glover will follow the 5th year of her master’s degree at her university and then move towards a music-related career. But although she’s worried about minor visa issues (following Brexit), she wants to find a small job on site this summer to extend her stay in Degasville and Bassin. . “I discovered the surrounding nature, beautiful villages like Conques, Belcastle. I want to come back and visit other sites related to the Middle Ages”, promises Madeleine. She crosses her fingers…

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If employers are interested in his profile, you can contact Laurent Tarer, President of Lair Degassevillois, who is your contact: 06 89 07 76 37.