February 23, 2025


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Language Academy, a language residency

Language Academy, a language residency

The Language Academy welcomes its first students, offering weeks of immersion in the English language to elementary and middle school students. We take you to this multicultural setting for a complete “language bath”.

Wall clocks in world time, flags of English-speaking countries, signs in English… The Language Academy declares an international colour. Since last November, the school on rue Campion (Paris center) welcomes grades CP-CE1, CM1-CM2 and 6.e J.K. A full week immersed in Rowling's language.

In the school's light and airy spaces, students enthusiastically engage in mind-blowing activities around music, visual arts or cooking. Games, visits to museums and cultural sites, drawing and singing sessions, as well as physical and sports activities are on the program for the week. All in an exclusively English-speaking environment.

Through a sculpture hunt in the Tuileries Gardens, students of “Art and Movement” week discover the works and lives of famous artists. Others learn about Scottish culture by participating in the “Highland Games,” a series of traditional sports such as hurling, running, dancing and singing.

An innovative approach

“The layout and decoration of spaces encourages an educational approach that shakes up the codes a bit. It's about exploring places where we feel good, where we can adopt a different posture, and dare”Marie-Automne Thébaut, co-director of the Academy for the City of Paris, announces.

Activities are developed in collaboration with the teaching team and the team of facilitators. Initiated by the City of Paris and the Paris Rectorate, this establishment has the distinction of being co-directed by the National Director of Education and the City's Director of School Affairs.

“6 studentse Set out to solve a police investigation inspired by the world of Sherlock Holmes. The aim is to pique their interest in a different way.”, notes Eddie Abergel, a teacher of middle school students at the Language Academy. Adapted from Conan Doyle's novel, the trials were dramatized with Miriam Rouveyer, an animator at the company.

In another atmosphere, in the Academy's “Sydney” room, a recipe for American cookies is displayed on a large white board. On the floor, on large sheets of paper, children draw life-size colorful silhouettes inspired by the characters of American artist Keith Haring. This activity allows you to learn English words related to the materials and tools used: brushes, rollers, markers, etc.

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English speaking teams

Children do not feel like attending a traditional English class. They play, draw, invent… in English! », observes Marie-Emmanuella Hemery, facilitator of the Academy.

English-speaking staff ensure total linguistic and cultural immersion of students. Within the group, two language assistants, one British and one American, provide continuous language immersion during activities and breaks.

Children hear different English pronunciations, which can help them narrow it down. ” A bit shy at first but dare to express themselves more towards the end of the week. The aim is to provide them with options and more facilities for the future », shares Miriam Rouveyre.

Immersion aims to develop skills in a foreign language. The aim is not to become fluent in English in one week, but to instill in them a taste for the language, and to inspire their enthusiasm to speak and overcome their fears.

Encouraging and engaging children is part of the identity of the Language Academy. This “booster” aspect is very important. We don't judge children but give them confidence by praising them », insists Marie-Automne Thebaut.

A cultural journey

We observe great enthusiasm among the children and families and the teaching staff, She continues. We speak to the school teachers and school directors we speak to about the language stay… in Paris! Giving children authentic cultural exploration helps encourage their open-mindedness. Language acts as a passport to other worlds, other cultural boundaries “.

I was very excited to discover this completely new system through the Academy and the City», testifies Penelope Dart Bourgeois, CM1 class teacher. Back in class, we will extend this week with an exhibit of children's artwork and a multimedia notebook for parents. The digital workplace (ENT) and songs.»

At the Language Academy, the week ends in beauty and music, with a performance of Scottish dance and song. Works by emerging artists are proudly displayed in the lobby. They leave with delicious American cookiesShort breadScottish made by them!

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