On the initiative of Jean-Marc Depreux, the English and French Conversation Club was created in November 2023 at the An Triskell Cultural Center in Langonet.
“Beeraholic. Friend of animals everywhere. Evil web scholar. Zombie maven.”
On the initiative of Jean-Marc Depreux, the English and French Conversation Club was created in November 2023 at the An Triskell Cultural Center in Langonet.
The French-born photographer has lived in England since the age of 5. “At Langonet, I realized that some of the English people I knew had difficulty expressing themselves in French; There is a clear obstacle to their integration. Also, meeting the participants of the media library's cultural club, interested in speaking English, he persuaded me to create a mixed group,” recalls Jean-Marc Debreux. Hence the creation of this club in which the French practice the language of Shakespeare and the English speakers respond to them in the language of Moliere. A recipe that the artist had already successfully developed during a visit to Drex (Eure-et-Loire).
“The sessions are based on very free discussions around tea in a caring and friendly atmosphere. We plan to celebrate Anglo-Saxon holidays, Saint-Patrick's Day, Thanksgiving and of course French holidays with other associations. The Name Search Club is open to all.
Jean-Marc Depreux, Tel. 06 60 80 91 14; [email protected]
Next sessions: March 6 and 20, April 3 and 17.
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