February 23, 2025


Complete Australian News World

“If everything goes as I dream…”

“If everything goes as I dream…”

A Finnish company benefits approx 2 million dollars In seed funding to turn air pollution into to forbid.

It is not a form of taboo chemistry Rather, it is legitimate knowledge from the Carbonaid company that uses it chemistry To mineralize carbon dioxide, which causes global warming.

This method converts a material that can be used in concrete, reducing the amount of highly contaminated cement needed to bind the mixture. the Concept Excellently stores air pollution and prevents its formation, According to To an article about innovation from TechCrunch.

If carbonide can get Planned With a large-scale pilot plant in operation, the results could be huge for the construction sector and our planet.

Watchman mentioned Concrete is the second most used material on Earth. It's widespread mentioned Industry produces about 8% of the world's air pollution.

“Our goal at Carbonaide is to create a more sustainable future using cutting-edge technologies that not only reduce carbon emissions from building materials like concrete, but trap more carbon dioxide than they emit throughout their lifetime,” said Carbonaide CEO, Tapio Vimas. He said In a TechCrunch report.

US Geological Survey Describe Mineralization is a chemical reaction that occurs when certain rocks are “exposed to carbon dioxide,” trapping pollution.

The carbonidization process it received Medals Since at least 2022, it has been able to bind mineralized carbon in “precast concrete”. This method keeps ungenerated dirty air out of the atmosphere while also reducing the amount of cement required. The cement industry is the most polluting part up to 90%according to the National Resources Defense Council – for the concrete sector.

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As a result, carbonide experts Tell TechCrunch They believe they can reduce The most common Kind of cement air pollution burden reduced by half.

“It is very natural for the built environment to turn into a storehouse of carbon dioxide, as it is the largest volume of human-made materials,” says Fahmas. He said To TechCrunch.

It's a problem that innovators elsewhere are tackling, too. Significantly sustainable solutions can be borrowed from our ancient past, as researchers learn more about the Roman building techniques that kept structures standing for centuries.

Mainstreaming efficient, sustainable and energy-efficient building concepts can help reduce air pollution and even provide significant savings. Some simple Weathering Projects, for example, can save hundreds of dollars annually to forbid More than a thousand pounds of air pollution are generated, depending on the scope of work.

Experts in Arizona Valley Homes They claim that their smartly built housing will pay for itself. Furthermore, the ability of residences to provide fresh air can also improve decision-making by 300%, according to Valleyaccording to Harvard studies.

Carbonide Clean concrete can only reinforce sustainable design concepts that already exist in practice. For now, all eyes are on the production line Testing process In Finland. the most recent press release In November, the company added more knowledge to the list through an expert tasked with commercializing the innovation.

As they understand maleHowever, the biggest marketing challenge is ensuring a lower cost structure than carbon-polluting alternatives. “Otherwise we cannot be sure that our technology will prevail,” he added.

“If things go as I dream, our technology will start a process in which the built environment becomes a carbon storehouse in the future, rather than a source of massive emissions,” Vihmas said. Tell TechCrunch.

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