February 23, 2025


Complete Australian News World

“I learned English love at the convent”

“I learned English love at the convent”

Maintenance – Covid survives, the singer walks out She walks in beauty, An album dedicated to poetry, one of the greatest interests of his life.

I’m always been happy to talk to “Figaro”, Spear Marion Faithful In his recognizable voice on the phone. Talking to this legend is a little miraculous. After surviving more than sixty years, strong flirting with heroin and defeating cancer, Marion won over Govt last year. This allowed her to complete an album of poems she had long planned to burn. A little miracle of grace and sensitivity, in the way of the aristocracy of this rock’n’roll.

Lee Figaro. – Dear Marianna, how are you?

Marion is trustworthy. – I’m fine, thank you. Even though I am recovering, I still feel its symptoms The cove is long. My lungs are badly damaged. But today is the most beautiful day. A good friend of mine came to visit me. He grabbed my dear Martin’s guitar and I practiced singing with him. I do it at least once a week, sometimes more.

Does that mean you can sing again soon?

Not me

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