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Holidays are an opportunity to improve your English

Holidays are an opportunity to improve your English

Posted July 30, 2022, 9:00 AM

1. to recharge (one’s batteries)

Summer vacations are an opportunity Recharge your batteries, To regain the energy we have used so much at work or in our daily routine.

To express this idea in English, there is a special word similar to the French: to recharge (one’s batteries) or to recharge one’s batteries.

2. To relax

One of the purposes of a vacation is to relax more often. In the first sense of the word, “uncoupling” means uncoiling a pipe or wire.

Metaphorically, it is relaxing and Reduces their overall stress.

3. To return to normal

For some, going on a trip means adopting a completely different lifestyle than the metro-work-sleep routine: a more natural, more rural lifestyle.

In English, we call this “return to nature”, in other words to return to nature.

4. To disconnect

To fully enjoy a trip, disconnecting from everyday life is strongly recommended. Only the consequences are more beneficial.

Unplug is said to be “unplug” in English, and it conveys the same idea as in French, which is to unplug a device.

5. Sabbatical

Whether it’s traveling around Europe by train, trying your hand at volunteering or developing new skills, a sabbatical allows you to take a break from your professional routine for months to reflect and breathe new life into your life.

Almost identical to the French word, sabbatical is called “sabbatical” in English.

6. Memory

Summer vacations are the perfect time to disconnect from work and everyday worries. Why not try an experiment memory Or “mindfulness” as we say in English?

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This body-mind method involves paying careful attention to one’s body, mind, and consciousness in the present moment. A chance to slow down while getting away from it all, without the need to go far.

7. Going back to one’s roots

This English expression refers to returning to one’s roots to regain strength and succeed in relaxation. This is another benefit of traveling.

You don’t need to travel to the other side of the world to do this, the treasures of our English-speaking neighbors also allow you to return to your roots.

8. Change of scenery

Travel is an opportunity to change scenery and engage in a change of scenery.

To convey this idea, “a transition scenario” is the English expression you need!

9. Escape the crowd

Some people want to relax on vacation and explore off-the-beaten-path destinations.

In English, we use the phrase “to escape the crowd”.

10. Get off the beaten path

The phrase means going off the beaten track, in other words, going where tourists don’t go.

Go to the most unexpected and authentic places.