March 4, 2025


Complete Australian News World

Graphic: Who speaks English best in Europe?

Graphic: Who speaks English best in Europe?

“Do you speak English? Um, not really”. It is well known that the French have a reputation for being the worst in English. As confirmed by, they have a reputation for having trouble conceivingAnnual code Education first in terms of EF SET English exam performance. In fact, France ranks third and third among European countries, behind many of the Eastern European countries (Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Bulgaria).

However, as our map shows, they are far from being the worst on the continent and have not maintained themselves in the “high efficiency” category this year, a position they reached for the first time in 2020. The French are doing so (slightly) with their Latin-speaking neighbors, the Spaniards. And better than Italians, whose English is classified as “moderate”.

Not surprisingly, the Dutch still topped the rankings, ahead of Austria, Denmark, Norway and Belgium. Shakespeare’s language proficiency is not unique to the Nordic countries, as Portugal tops the list just ahead of Sweden. In contrast, countries on the eastern border of Europe have the lowest scores (Caucasus, Turkey, Russia).

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