French / English Quiz, February 24, 2023, Louie Louie Louie.

French / English quiz

Louis du Sèvres
2023-02-24 – 2023-02-24

Two Chevres


The association La Ruche Louinaise organizes events at the Union Cafe bar in Louinaise. Meeting on Friday, February 24, at 7 p.m., the Association La Rochelle Lounais presents a 30-question French/English quiz. It is open to the public in groups of 4 and will take place at the Cafe de l’Union. If you’re alone, you’ll find a group on the site. Reading will be in both languages. At the winners’ table, a drink will be served by Café de l’Union. Information on +33 6 25 61 48 83.

The association La Ruche Louinaise organizes events at the Union Cafe bar in Louinaise. Meeting on Friday, February 24, at 7 p.m., the Association La Rochelle Lounais presents a 30-question French/English quiz. It is open to the public in groups of 4 and will take place at the Cafe de l’Union. If you’re alone, you’ll find a group on the site. Reading will be in both languages. At the winners’ table, a drink will be served by Café de l’Union. Information on +33 6 25 61 48 83.

+33 6 25 61 48 83

Last updated on: 2023-02-21

Louin Louin Louin