September 20, 2024


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Free podcasts for learning English

Free podcasts for learning English


There are many Podcasts Fun, informative and free to learn or Improve your English. Use the holidays to discover them!

The English We Speak – BBC : Each episode of this podcast offers, within three minutes, to discover a useful expression or saying Spoken English.

Learn English – British Council : This podcast allows you to improve your understanding and improve yourself Vocabulary Through Conversations in English, with Transcriptions and Exercises.

Grammar Girl writes quick and dirty tips better : Each episode of this podcast builds to a point in just a few minutes Grammar, punctuation marks Or style it to improve Written English.

All ears are English : This podcast covers vocabulary, grammar, PronunciationOr advice on how to improve your spoken English.

Almost anywhere – Cambridge English : Through fiction, this podcast lets you understand Conversations in EnglishThanks for the transcriptions and exercises to consolidate the vocabulary learned.

Learn English – English Class101 : Each episode of this podcast for beginners offers tips to improve your pronunciation, vocabulary or sound. Learning English.

English Pronunciation Pat : This podcast is completely dedicated to improv English Pronunciation And gives you many tips to work on Pronunciation.

American English Pronunciation Pat : Another podcast to improve your pronunciation, over 200 episodes on the difficulties of pronouncing American English.

Learn English : A podcast created by Thomas Carlton, an American language enthusiast. In each chapter it provides thematic vocabulary, grammar or connection point explanation, English expressions or suggestions for improving your written English.

Great talk Useful podcast to practice for English exams (CAE, CPE, IELTS, etc.). It contains recordings of non-native speakers preparing for exams and comments from experts correcting common candidate errors.

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Luke’s English Podcast : With more than 750 episodes, this podcast allows you to learn English in a fun way thanks to the humor of Luke Thompson, who has been an English teacher for 20 years, but also a comedian.

Business English Bot : A podcast that allows you to learn professional English vocabulary and turns of phrase, more specifically dedicated to the world of work.

Target: English – Babbel : This beginner podcast features stories from around the world by native speakers from around the world. A Transcription There are also episodes that help in understanding.

Learn English with news : With dynamic episodes of less than 10 minutes, this podcast helps you improve your vocabulary and understanding with short anecdotes linked to current events.