February 23, 2025


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France will never rule the world again

France will never rule the world again

Once Brexit turns around, everything will change in Europe. After years of dominating the English-speaking world, the great European project will finally return to the language of its founders. At least that’s what the French believed.

Seen from Paris, the British exit offered an opportunity to restore the image of Molière’s language within the EU. Last year, during the French presidency, diplomats at the Quai d’Orsay announced that all essential meetings would henceforth be held in French – with briefing services – and that notes and minutes would be written in French.

Victory of the nations of the world

There was a time when French, one of the three working languages ​​of the European Commission, was the dominant language of the Common Market, but it has gradually declined to become more globish. English is more or less spoken internationally – and is progressing in all institutions. Some representatives of the National Assembly later expressed a desire to become French “something special” The EU’s operative language argues that Brexit has delivered “A Unique Opportunity” To balance progress “Anglo-Saxon Culture”.

Eric Zemmour, the controversial presidential candidate, has called for a boycott of English following Brexit. “crushed” His beloved French. According to him, since English is now the official language of two small countries, Ireland and Malta, there is no doubt that French should become the official language of the European Union.

However, the other European delegates would not listen to it and insisted on it “We are already used to speaking English”. Under the Portuguese leadership of the EU, Ambassador Nuno Brito spoke mainly in English at meetings. When Paris took over in early 2022, it insisted on using the preferred language of global diplomacy, particularly angering representatives of the Baltic and Scandinavian countries who speak English fluently.

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Irreversible motion

While the UK’s exit from the EU may have heralded the decline of English in the corridors of Brussels, ironically the opposite seems to be happening. No longer seen as the language of an influential member of the European Union, English appears to be a more neutral communication tool and is more popular than ever.

Motion is irreversible. Last year, the French Academy – generally regarded by the British as a collection of utopians because they are out of touch with reality – threatened to sue the French government if it was not removed. “English words like this Surname New Biometric Identity Cards”, One sees “Invasion” Unnecessary and unconstitutional of the English language. Academics have little taste for the Americanisms their English-speaking president likes to use – Macron is actually a bit English.

The decline of the French language continues, as President Macron recalled at length during a recent meeting of French-speaking countries. However, the French dominated until the end of the 19th century.e century and its prime is already several centuries old.

From “law French” to Jersey French, cultural dominance

In 14e century, French was the language of nobility in England, Flanders, Naples, and Sicily; It was used in the courts of Jerusalem, by scholars and poets from all over the world. “French is spoken all over the world and is more enjoyable to hear and study than any other language” He declared himself a citizen of Venice at that time.

In England, French was the language of the ruling class.

Influence of French on the English Language – Almost 30% of English vocabulary is derived from Fra.

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