March 11, 2025


Complete Australian News World

English Without Barriers with Sophie Bousquet

English Without Barriers with Sophie Bousquet

Sophie Bousquet starts entrepreneurship. She has just started her own business. A system for learning English from Kindergarten to Adult.

“So Happy School”, a title as loud as the smile of its designer, Sophie Bousquet. Her reflection on seeing which future to turn towards. With her entrepreneurial spirit, she doesn’t hesitate long to embark on an adventure. “So Happy School” is open to everyone from kindergarten to adults. Creating an English Lesson Structure Very quickly, the formula hits the mark.. “I have a hundred students of all levels and all ages”, she confirms. But this bulimia couldn’t be satisfied with ending the job so well. At the same time, she would follow French as a foreign language course, where she would lay the foundations of Voltaire for Americans, Britons, Australians … even a Chinese woman. A plus is that she thrives with her position as an interpreter at the Court of Rhodes. “It’s great, Sophie starts, I work with the police and gendarmerie, as well as magistrates, property sales and even notaries for the translation of deeds or documents”. In short, the daily marathon-like days don’t stop this informed sportswoman from being involved as a neighborhood marker in her city.

“I see results based on English expression”

A full tour allows one to gauge the work accomplished in the eight years since “So Happy School” opened. “My children from the age of 4 often go to college and I see the results in terms of English exposure.”, she exclaims. Also, two of his students have won the high-level competition “Big Challenge Averonnaise”. Instead of watching from noon to two o’clock, he advocates an interactive educational approach around games and exchanges. In its very welcoming premises on rue Emilie de Rodat, everything is done so that learning English is not an obstacle: library, games, CDs… more to open the mind.

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A number of elements prompted her to write a very long and arduous file that led to her obtaining the Qualified Label, a personal training account (CPF) designation. Sophie has no clue: “You have to have it to train the company’s workforce.” Apart from that, working alone, she realized how much she had to manage everything and the road became long and difficult before going under God’s forks to get the label. “We ask a lot of things from you in detail, especially since the audit lasted about 8 hours, you have to be very organized, but the important thing for me is that I can get the certificate and enter the CPF course for everyone. The types of training I can take.”

So Happy School: 07 81 95 92 01.