February 23, 2025


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English rider Jack Parish (Leon Sprint Evolution) wins Cusset Industrial Zone Prize

English rider Jack Parish (Leon Sprint Evolution) wins Cusset Industrial Zone Prize

Jack Parish (Lyon Sprint Evolution) wins the race for the 3rd category seniors and juniors. Won before England Riders Arnaud Levigne (USB Issorien). Cusset juniors Hugo Roudier, Sam Lamouline and Anthony Mathieu finished 3rd, 4th and 5th respectively. Take a look back at one of the pictures of this event which took place in harsh climates.


Division 3 / Juniors: 1. Jack Parish (Leon Sprint Evolution) at 1h45’06 2. Arnad Levine (USP Issoirienne) at 4 seconds 3. Hugo Roudier (AC Cusset) 2’06 4. 2’07 at Sam Lamouline (AC Cusset) 5. Anthony Mathew (AC Cusset), Mt.

Women: 1. Sophie Almeida (VC Ambertois) in 1h13’32 2. Oceane Gauthey (Creusot Cyclisme) in 15 seconds 3. Laetitia Turpin (Cognac Cyclisme) in 18 seconds.

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Juniors:. 1. Hugo Lafaye (AC Cusset) at 1h14’24 2. Loris Dutarte (VC Cournon d’Auvergne), mt.

Michael Sauplier

Photos by Corentin Garault

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