February 23, 2025


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“Downton Abbey II”, English candy

“Downton Abbey II”, English candy

Downton Abbey, a new era **

By Simon Curtis

British film, 2:06

Marriage, death, birth … The life cycle continues in the Crawley family. The walls of Downton Abbey’s ancestors, immovable, years mark faces and bend portraits. Unrestricted, absolutely not. In the majestic apartment, the roof also shows its worthy age and the terrace basins bloom to prevent water from invading the classic floors. But the money is low and at the urging of his daughter Mary, Earl Robert Crawley agrees to run a film crew (in exchange for the big check). However, with some of his family, he escapes this barbaric invasion: he goes to the French Riviera, where Dowager Countess, Lady Violet, mysteriously acquires a villa that she wants to give to one of her daughters.-Women.

The charm of clichேs

Straight from the TV series imagined by Julian Fellows, the masters and staff of Downton Abbey call themselves on the big screen for the second time. With more success than the first Opus released in 2019, thanks to the specially designed display and lively dialogue.

Of course there are plenty of clichs like cucumber sandwiches on “Hidea”‘s plates: a basic misunderstanding between English and French (“magnified” by Butler Carson), stubborn prejudices against cinematographers and the awkwardness of its cast, an outdated last fire. Surrendering aristocracy with sad elegance. Silent films are like being overthrown by talking pictures …

Dream comedians

But above all, dream landscapes, polished sets and refined dresses, the beautiful cast in this gallery (unfortunately a Natalie Bay included in a very small way …) will make us smile with our tongues. The answer is more than emotionally trembling.

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Hugh Bonneville (Robert Crawley) and Maggie Smith (Violet Crawley) specifically describe this inappropriate “British touch”: a look, a sigh, a silence are more eloquent than words. According to Michael Dockery, he gives the beautiful Mary, once so hard and hard, a depth of inquiry that softens the strength of her character without blunting her.