February 23, 2025


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Digits is the new york times math-based puzzle game

Digits is the new york times math-based puzzle game

New York times Announcing a new math-based puzzle game, numbersand you can run the beta test now on this link.

in numbersYou have six numbers that you can add, subtract, multiply or divide together to arrive at the target number. You’re not just limited to those six figures; You could, for example, multiply two numbers together and then add that sum to one of the other numbers. You get three stars if you reach the set target number, but if you are close, you get one or two stars.

Take the image below from New York times. This person is given the prime numbers of 4, 9, 7, 10 (based on the calculation above), 1 (also in the calculation), and 20, and they try to add them up to 235. The player chooses to subtract 1 from 10, which results in the number 9 which You see it in the green circle. They can now use the 9 with one of the other numbers to try to get to 235.

Screenshot from numbers.
Photo: The New York Times

I played all five of Monday’s matches numbers puzzles, and while I only got three stars with the first, I really enjoyed trying to get as close to the target number as possible. And I love that you can still “win” even if you don’t hit the exact total; Part of the reason I got dropped Wardle Because I felt pressure to get the word exactly right. (numbers It also has subtle yet satisfying animations when you combine numbers which reminded me of games like Threes And 2048.)

However, the numbers beta It was a little buggy. At first, I could only properly launch the game in an incognito Chrome window; On my signed in work chrome browser the numbers won’t merge properly until I refresh the page, and on my phone the game wasn’t registering any clicks. These issues have now been fixed for me, so I hope you won’t experience them.

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that The New York Times condition on numbers He says that the game “will be available this week for a limited time beta.” The results of the trial will determine whether numbers He will become fully qualified The New York Times Game. “If the response to the game is not what the team is hoping for, then it is [NYT’s greenlight] The committee must decide if additional tuning would be beneficial or if development of the game should end,” according to the article. numbers becomes a full game, it’s unclear if it will require a subscription to play, we asked The New York Times If this is the case.