February 23, 2025


Complete Australian News World

Departmental Final of Civil Debates in English at Roussel High School

Departmental Final of Civil Debates in English at Roussel High School

Students from Notre-Dame, Saint-Joseph and Théophile-Roussel High Schools met at Saint-Chély-d'Apcher School to compete in the Departmental Finals of Civic Debates in English. The meeting was organized by Théophile-Roussel High School under Montpellier Academy as part of Language Week.

All high schools in the sector were contacted with the aim of the sector finals, and despite the interest in the project only three companies were mobilized to participate in this meeting.

Each high school presented four debaters, who participated in mixed teams, to encourage exchange between new partners, adaptation and integration into a new team.

The principle of citizen debates is simple: two teams of four students compete around a movement by presenting arguments “for” or “against” in English. The themes addressed during these sectoral finals focused on artistic and technological innovation.

Dublin won the final

In the first round, the three teams from Dublin, Cardiff and London competed with passion and excitement in three debates pitting each other against each other. The top two teams qualified for the final, with the Dublin team of Elsa, Debani, Alan and Yasser winning brilliantly.

Now, with this rich experience at the linguistic, intellectual and civic level, the twelve debaters will be better prepared to represent Loser with honor during the grand academic finale in Montpellier on May 15. Top debaters from the academy's high schools.

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