February 23, 2025


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CNR Educational Program “Immersion in English from CP to CM2”

CNR Educational Program “Immersion in English from CP to CM2”

Thursday April 11, Christine PoetThe Rector of Normandy Academy visited the school's students and staff and attended English workshops prepared by the college's Year 4 students. BourgtheroldFor their school friends:

  • London Monuments Discovery Workshop in Class CE2
  • Discovery workshop of famous English speaking athletes in CM1 class
  • Programming workshop Peabot In class CM2

The visit ended with a discussion with the faculty and the city mayor.

CNR education program serving students, academic staff and families

Daily English training within the school is reinforced to develop linguistic skills for all students and staff, making English a communication tool.

From September 2023, the “Immersion in English CP to CM2” program allows the school's 274 students and 14 teachers and 5 AESH to practice English on a daily basis. There are many opportunities to practice the English language: CLIL program mathematics, physical education and sports, visual arts or books and games in English in the school library.

To enhance this practical time, learning materials include oral and oral comprehension workshops, exchanges with foreign companies (email, letters or videos) and interactive and digital supports (15 tablets, 1 podcast case, 1 TNI, sound walls, clip recorders, microphones, headsets, etc.). .

To enrich this intensive program, activities have been developed in collaboration with Jean de la Fontaine College in Grand Bourgthéréold, which is involved in the development of modern languages ​​(LV): LV assistant, travel of middle school students (grade 4), workshops with school students in each period, grand challenge competitions, programs in English, correspondence There are also exchanges and rallies.

First effects observed:

  • Active oral students, good comprehension of instructions, increasingly fluid interactions;
  • A real lever in school-family relations and cultural openness. A school-family workshop in English was offered in December and will be held again in the spring. Other initiatives are being explored for the 2024 school year;
  • A group of teachers who want to improve their skills (facilitation of lunch breaks in English by an English-speaking speaker, counseling of teachers in English, requests for refresher training, etc.).
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A regional project, it is long-term

The “CP to CM2 English Immersion” project, funded by the Pedagogical Innovation Fund as part of the National Review Council, is the result of consultation between families, elected officials, academy staff and local partners. (CNR), CNR is fully aligned with the passion of education: to uncover innovative initiatives at the local level that have the potential to improve student success and well-being and reduce educational disparities.

The program is being explored in collaboration with Jean de la Fontaine College in 6 other schools in the sector.

Learn more: National Restructuring Council: Our School, Let's Build It Together