February 23, 2025


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Bryce kicked out Harper and threw his helmet into the crowd

Bryce kicked out Harper and threw his helmet into the crowd

Bryce kicked out Harper and threw his helmet into the crowd

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12:26 AM UTC

Third base umpire Angel Hernandez said he did not.

After being called on a 3-2 slider, Harper was shot, ejected, and then threw his maroon helmet into the stands behind the Phillies dugout in the third inning of Thursday night’s game against the Pirates at Citizens Bank Park. The helmet bounced off someone’s hands and fell into the aisle between two sections. Chaos ensued.

Dorfman came to the game Thursday wearing his light blue Bryce Harper jersey, hoping to convince the Philadelphia player to sign him. Instead, he got Harper’s helmet. Dorfman, a fifth-grader at Cresson Elementary School in Voorhees, New Jersey, proudly wore his newest and most prized possession throughout the night.

He couldn’t stop smiling.

Young Phillies fan Hayden Dorfman proudly displays a one-of-a-kind memorabilia.

Dorfman can thank his father, Aaron, for the help. Aaron caught the helmet as it bounced down the hallway. He immediately assessed the escalating situation.

“I picked up the helmet, and then four other grown men came to get it,” Aaron said. “It was pretty clear that I was not going to win any drag matches with the helmet on. At that point I saw [Hayden] Standing next to me, I decided that the most effective way to get the helmet was to say, “Give it to the kid.” Then other people started saying: “Give it to the baby.” And this beautiful young man was standing there. Then the match became less of a muscle match.

“Maybe I’ll put it in my room,” Hayden said.

The Dorfmans have a partial season ticket plan, so they attend a fair number of games. Hayden has been attending games since he was a kid, so he knows that doesn’t happen at every game. Or even every season.

Hayden said he didn’t know what the reaction would be at school Friday. He thought about bringing the helmet to school. Maybe not.

“All my friends are Phillies fans,” Hayden said. “I asked them to watch TV to keep an eye on me.”

There’s no way they could miss him.