February 24, 2025


Complete Australian News World

Bill Maher goes after Hasan Minhaj: He is no better than Trump

Bill Maher goes after Hasan Minhaj: He is no better than Trump

As the five biggest names in late-night television came together in an unprecedented sense of solidarity, Bill Maher ended his second new episode since the WGA strike ended by dropping one of his own.

Maher’s final “new rule” of the night centered on the comedian and ex Patriot Act Host Hasan Minhaj and the fabricated stories – told on stage and off – are fresh The New Yorker Introductory account Exposed to. The host began by equating Donald Trump and the MAGA movement’s conspiracy theories with the left’s “emotional truth.” But he could only come up with one example, or perhaps two.

Which brings me to Hasan Minhaj, the comedian who answers the question: What if Jussie Smollett did stand-up? Maher said jokingly.

The fact that “the stories that Mr. Minhaj tells in his actions to elicit sympathy for himself as a Muslim and a person of color are completely fabricated,” Maher said, means that Muslim Americans may face less discrimination than progressives would have you believe. .

After seeing a list of stories that Minhaj had exaggerated on stage, Maher said: “If you want to speak truth to power, I will jump in and say you have to include the truth part.”

Then it got personal.

Maher continued: “Because he did this to me before.” “I was accused of saying Muslims should be put in concentration camps – something I had never even thought of, let alone said.” Maher went further in his criticism by comparing Minhaj and Donald Trump. “How is this different from this guy?” he asked, referring to the clip showing the former president falsely claiming to have seen thousands of people cheering in New Jersey on 9/11.

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Perhaps not coincidentally, Minhaj was averse to Maher’s anti-Islamic tendencies Help him land Bother him as well Daily show Correspondent under John Stewart.

“I think younger generations have a real problem with wanting to build their identity around being a victim,” Maher added. “They want racism to fight — not to fight racism, they want racism to fight — so badly that when it doesn’t exist, they make it up. “There is enough real racism in the world that making up more of it doesn’t help.”

According to Maher, Minhaj “literally seems to feel cheated by progress – progress that has deprived him of any good stories about being oppressed by men,” adding: “My friend, America is far from the worst. You are a Muslim married to a Hindu. If you live in India, they will have to kill you.

In the weeks following Minhaj’s unveiling The New YorkerHe did not receive much sympathy from the comedy community, and perhaps he lost what he aspired to Daily show Hosting party. But if there’s anything that could make people feel for Minhaj, it might be finding himself on the wrong side of Bill Maher.

For more, listen to Hasan Minhaj on The Last Laugh Podcast.