February 23, 2025


Complete Australian News World

Bac 2024: English – Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilizations (Specialization – Day 2)

Bac 2024: English – Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilizations (Specialization – Day 2)

Specializing in Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilizations allows you to explore languages, understand them better, and express yourself both in writing and orally. His subject and sub-specialty for 2024 is: English Contemporary World. The subject is about “building society” and “changing environments”.

In the baccalaureate reform implemented by former Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer, there are 13 specializations and the student must choose two from this list. Each with a coefficient of 16, they account for 32% of the final baccalaureate grade. Weightage of Continuous Assessment is 40%, French Bach 10%, Philosophy 8% and Grand Oral 10%.

The Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilizations exam was held this year on June 20 from 2 PM to 5:30 PM.


Subject – It deals with the theme of “Building Community”.

Part 1 (16 Marks)

Read the proposed file made up of documents A, B and C in non-hierarchical order and enter the following content in English (approximately 500 words):

State what the documents show about language problems in Canada, taking into account their specifics. Pay particular attention to past and present political decisions and strategies and the perception of these issues by Canadians.

Part 2 (4 Marks)

Translate the following passage from document C (l. 7-13) into French:

As a result, while the number of French speakers in Canada is increasing, their weight relative to the total population is slowly decreasing. We have reached a code-critical point where there are more allophones1 (individuals whose native language is neither English nor French) than French-native speakers in Canada. These figures do not fail to be raised by opponents of official languages, who often argue that French should not be privileged in this country. […].

READ  Education: Introduction to English language in primary school


Document B

Enhancing the Vitality of Francophone Minority Communities through Immigration: A National Strategy


Document c

Revise the Official Language Act?


Topic 2 deals with the theme of “Changing Environments”.

Part 1 (16 Marks)

Read the proposed file containing documents A, B, C and D

Non-hierarchical, and deal with the following subject in English (approximately 500 words):

State what the documents show, taking into account their specifications and perspectives

About the transformation of the city of Sheffield (UK). Pay particular attention to

Successes and challenges and how they affect local and national politics


Full title here:

LLCER specialty will be held on 2nd day only (no lesson on 1st day).

Special subjects for bac 2024 – Day 1 for Wednesday

Special Lessons for Bach 2024 – Thursday 20th June Day 2