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American, Angelo teaches English near Cormails

American, Angelo teaches English near Cormails

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Angelo Soldatos, 34, offers English lessons for all levels near Cormeilles.
Angelo Soldatos, 34, offers English lessons for all levels near Cormeilles. ©Eg

To teach English to adults, Angelo SoldadosThe 34-year-old self-employed teacher near Cormeilles (Eure) and Pont-l’Évêque (Calvados) has a very precise method.

“How do you say I like? he asks. “I would like to. Reserve a table? I would like to reserve. A table ? I would like to reserve a table. The American explains: “Little by little, we add new elements to the sentence… As long as the person speaks English. In each lesson, he also learns an expression.

The spoken word is central

His teaching is based on verbal and practical, and is less prescriptive:

In the traditional way, you have to edit, connect, and learn timings. Me, I’m learning that “est-ce que” means “do,” and needless to say, it’s a subjunctive.

Angelo Soldiers

It takes six months to two years for adults to get well.

He reminds us that French and English share a lot of vocabulary. But surprisingly:

90% of French adults have an amazing English vocabulary, but they don’t recognize words they know in sentences. I find it very strange.

Angelo Soldados

He explains this by the connections between spoken words (pronounced “theris”): “It gives the impression that we speak very quickly. »

Adults, children and youth

Mornings (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) at the beginning of the school year are available in Angelo. This year, he has more child students than adults. her The approach is very playful with children from 3 years old (Vocabulary games, board games in English etc).

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On the other hand, he doesn’t like preparing for exams: “When you practice, you don’t learn to speak English, but to get good marks,” he believes. He Instead, it encourages young people to speak up Because “expressing oneself is very difficult for young people”.

“I never speak French”

Angelo, who previously worked in 3D animation in New York, met his wife in Bern while studying in America, a teacher of English but French and national education. He followed her to Malta France where he has lived for 8 yearsincluding 4 at Moyaux.

“When I arrived, I didn’t speak French at all,” he admits in a much better position now. “I started teaching because My wife’s family wanted to learn A little,” he says.

Finally, the private teacher encourages French people to be brave even if they are embarrassed by their accent:

Many French people do not have an American or English accent. But British and Americans are used to understanding everyone!

Angelo Soldiers
Site: coursparticuliersdanglais.com. Facebook: Private English Lessons. Contact: 06 58 98 96 53 or [email protected] Excursions to Lisieux, Pont-l’Évêque, Moyaux, Cormeilles, Thiberville and surrounding areas. Mornings possible in Deauville, Bernay and Brionne. Price: €54 per month for 36 lessons per year (every week of the school year).

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