March 3, 2025


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Advertising slogans or program titles in English … The French Academy is concerned about the rise of English in the French language.

Advertising slogans or program titles in English … The French Academy is concerned about the rise of English in the French language.

The French Academy Condemns the Growing of English in the French Language. She is concerned about the risk of social and generational fractures. The report was released on Tuesday.

In the headlines of TV shows, in the language of advertising or company, English is increasingly gaining prominence in France. This is a very important point in the view of the French Academy, in a statement issued on Tuesday, February 15th.

The franchise is a mixture of English and French, gradually taking place. Fnac organizes “French days”, the post office calls its lockers “pick-up station”, and SNCF asks its customers: “Ready for Ouigo?” (Ready to go to Oyo). French car brands adopted international slogans: Citroன்n “inspired by all of you” (inspired by you), for Renault it was “passion for life” (passionate life), for Peugeot it was “movement and passion”. Not to mention the “drive” multiplier supermarkets.

The media did not leave either. For a long time, NRJ’s motto was “Hit Music Only” (hits on NRJ only). On TF1The names of the program formats imported from abroad are no longer translated: “The Voice”, “Mask Singer”, “Ninja Warrior”.

An “Aggressive Anglicization”

In its thirty-page report, the French Academy condemns the “aggressive Englishization” of the French language. She sees the threat of disrupting grammar and the loss of reference to the general public, which can lead to social breakdown and generational breakdown. Le Figaro Who disclosed the contents of the report. The danger is: a section of the public has lost the message we want to convey to them. “Anglo-American vocabulary is often misunderstood as familiar to the general public”, the French Academy explains, because it “only affects the margins of a small, privileged, educated population.”

READ  The French language has lost its influence in favor of English

In their work carried out since 2020, the immortals fear even a “change in the meaning and function of words” and “the effects of a particular attraction on the syntax and structure of the French language”.

For example, there is no question of rejecting English words that came into the everyday language in French, such as weekend, rock unroll or table football.

The French are against Francois

The widespread use of Franglais is not accepted by many French people. According to the Credac survey, 47% of French people are irritated or hostile to advertising messages that contain words in English. Sixties, over 70s and retirees are very annoying. 70% of French people think that the quality of the French language in the media and on social networks has deteriorated over the past ten years.

An English dictionary.

An English dictionary.