October 18, 2024


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Bac 2024: English Language Course for Examination Centers Abroad (LLER) (Europe, Africa etc.)

Bac 2024: English Language Course for Examination Centers Abroad (LLER) (Europe, Africa etc.)

The specialty “Foreign and Regional Languages, Literature and Cultures” is chosen by about 70,000 students each year, with the majority favoring English, but also German, Italian, Spanish, etc. Deep learning of a living language, as well as its culture and countries history.

Special examinations for the 2024 Bachelor’s degree will be held on June 19 and 20 for candidates in Metropolitan France and the Antilles. But already the first lessons of the 2024 bachelor’s degree have fallen for students writing exams abroad: for those in North America last Wednesday, May 22, and for other countries in Africa, Europe and the Middle East (only a possible date for this matter).

Specialty “Foreign and Regional Languages, Literature and Cultures” is 16% for each specialty or 32% for 2 specialties). Here’s a topic to help you revise from abroad for high school students studying in North America:

English Examination – Bac 2024 – Centers Abroad – Group 1

An excerpt from the lesson and the full lesson below

Title 1

The material deals with the theme of “Expression and Self-Construction”.

part 1

Read the above title and the file created by documents A, B, C and process the following instructions in English (approximately 500 words):

Analyze the impact books can have on people, taking into account the uniqueness of documents.

Part 2


Translate the following passage from Document B into French.

The use of a non-encyclopedic monolingual dictionary is approved.

Neither of us had any experience with literary societies, so we made our own rules: We would talk about the books we were reading. In the beginning, we tried to be calm and objective, but that was soon abandoned, and the speakers’ intent was to make the listeners want to read the book. Once two members had read the same book, they could argue, which was really fun for us. We read books, talked about books, discussed books and became fonder and fonder of each other.

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(Lines 26-32)


Subject 2

On the theme “Debates of Arts and Concepts”.

part 1

Read the above heading and the file created by documents A, B and C and process the following instructions in English (about 500 words):

Taking into account the specifics of the documents, they show how situations influence the encounters between artists and their audiences.


Subject in full:

See more

On Wednesday June 19 and Thursday June 20, find the subjects and answers to the special exams published on our site for candidates in mainland France.