February 23, 2025


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Pro B: Englishman Callum Lawson, Third JAV Recruitment (Allier)

Pro B: Englishman Callum Lawson, Third JAV Recruitment (Allier)

JAV has announced the third recruitment for the 2022-2023 season. Englishman Callum Lawson, a 1.98m winger / strong winger, played for Iceland club Valorin in Reykjavk this year. He averaged 15.3 points, 3.8 rebounds and 1.4 assists this season.

After two years at Western Wyoming Community College and attending ACU University in Arizona, Callum Lawson began her career at Umeå BSKT in Sweden, before joining the Icelandic First Division in 2020, internationally with the British U20s.

Two-time Icelandic champion in a row
With two different clubs

The Coventry native has won the Express League twice in a row with his last two clubs Þór Þorlákshöfndont and Valur. With a sniper and explosive profile, he will delight the bear cooler JAV reports.

Extensions, Departures, Arrivals: Update on JAV (Allier) 2022-2023 Staff

The third recruit from Vichy-Clermont is Colm Lawson, who has already signed two young players: 16-year-old Level 3, Nova Penta (2m), as well as 19-year-old Assamese Mouler (1.88m) from France, Boulogne-Levallois in Petclik Elite and Currently in Ivory Coast exam, with Cédric Bah, inside JAV.

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