February 24, 2025


Complete Australian News World

6 years later, the driver tried during a trial in Lons-le-Chanier

6 years later, the driver tried during a trial in Lons-le-Chanier

In 2016, 15 young British passengers were killed in a bus crash on the A39 motorway in Jura. More than six years after the events, the bus driver went on trial in Lons-le-Chanier court on Tuesday 10 January. A trial without civil parties, without defendants and without lawyers.

There were 50 people (42 youths, six mates and two drivers) on the bus from Wales. The vehicle was heading towards Italy. Shortly before 11 a.m., the bus left the road near the town of Fontainebleau near Lons-le-Chanier and, after a 250-meter run, came to rest on an embankment ten meters below.

The thesis that the driver was asleep was positive. The first elements of the investigation show that the car was traveling at 100 km/h over the authorized speed limit. The driver was not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Both drivers were taking turns driving the wheel. The driver was charged. A thesis on sleep was then presented. Left free, the driver was able to return to England.

As of Tuesday, January 10, the driver was not on trial, nor was his attorney or civil party. Driver sued for self-inflicted injuries with inability to work for more than 3 months. He faces a maximum sentence of three years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros. Only one victim filed a civil suit.
15 victims are undergoing treatment in the emergency department. Two youths were seriously injured, a 16-year-old boy and a girl who were transferred to Besancon University Hospital (Doubs). The young woman’s major prognosis was involved. Investigators said the critically injured duo were traveling in the bus at the time of the collision. Others were secured by seat belts. Many were asleep at the time of the shock.

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