February 23, 2025


Complete Australian News World

1429 – Joan of Arc begins French conquest of England

1429 – Joan of Arc begins French conquest of England

This article came from Capital Magazine

Is France still there in the early 1420s? The reign of Charles VI was catastrophic: attacked by insanity, sovereignty could only use its power relentlessly and opened the field to the aspirations of the great feudal lords. The struggle for influence between his brother, Duke of Orleans and his uncle, Duke of Burgundy, turned into a civil war. Taking advantage of the fall, the British resumed the struggle: their king, Henry V, destroyed the French knighthood at Ajinkort on October 25, 1415, and with great force, negotiated a treaty, which crowned Charles VI when he died. When it finally died in October 1422, the kingdom was divided into three: the British dominated the north and west and occupied Paris; Their Burgundian allies created rich, semi-independent nations in the East; The legitimate heir, Charles, the honorable son of “Folin”, he took refuge in Porges with some advisers.

Then an extraordinary event occurs, which, although properly documented, is always somewhat mysterious. A young woman appears. Her name is Jean: she is a farming woman from Lorraine. She hears her voices and says she is guided by God. She approaches King Charles and, even better, persuades him to hand her over with a small troop. She wants to help Orleans, be true to the captain, and be surrounded by the English. On May 8, 1429, the siege was lifted and Joan successfully entered the city.

The heroine does not stand there: her ultimate goal is the Reims, where she wants the king to be as sacred as her ancestors. This was done on July 17, 1429, at the end of a crazy decor, in a hostile zone controlled by the Burgundians. The rest is very sad; Joan continues to struggle, victory is rare, she is wounded in front of Paris, taken prisoner in Combigne and finally presented at a church tribunal, which agrees with the enemy and frees her from the flames. But the essential has been acquired: the legitimacy of Charles VII is now undeniable, while the task of redemption begins, bringing an end to the Hundred Years’ War and bringing peace and prosperity. According to Jonah, who was long eclipsed in the collective memory, he was rediscovered in Republican and opposition circles in the 19th century, before the Church, who rebuked him and then rehabilitated him, finally turning her into a monk.

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